They are revolutionizing construction projects: Highly efficient construction software functions

XBuild simplifies your planning, saves time and reduces costs.

Automate routine tasks and focus on the really important aspects of your projects.

Tailor-made for:

Contractors & Architects

Construction planners and other trades in the construction industry.

“In case you are wondering whether XBuild’s construction software functions are also suitable for solving your challenges … test everything without obligation and then decide.”

(Tobias J. Rieser, CEO XBuild GmbH and advocate of sustainable strategies)

Through what or how XBuild optimizes your processes

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A well-rounded affair

The "clear" guide through XBuild functions

Each project has its own participant administration.
The associated rights system allows you to assign individual rights to each member.
This makes it very easy to control and monitor the authorizations of each individual.

Construction software with rights management XBuild

Individual rights management

All user actions are recorded without exception to ensure complete documentation of all processes.
This makes traceability much easier and speeds up the preservation of evidence.

Construction software history XBuild

History of relevant data

XBuild can export all data records to the most common file formats (Excel, etc.) for further individual use.
PDF reports can be created and distributed quickly and easily for tasks, defects, participants and protocols.

Construction reports via XBuild software

Individual lists & customized reports

Various search criteria support you in the detailed search for each data record in your project.

Construction software with XBuild search

Intelligent search engine

Plan chaos is a thing of the past.
All project-relevant plans incl.
indexing are stored centrally in XBuild's plan management system.
By displaying PDF plans, all relevant points, data and processes can be located, documented and forwarded in no time at all.

Construction plan management with XBuild software

Create or import plans + manage in XBuild

At some point, everyone loses track of the large amounts of data.
That's why there are groups and folder functions in all the necessary applications.
You can quickly and easily group data records to create a familiar and clear structure.
Centralized storage of all project data incl.
user authorizations ensures an overview and constant availability.

Construction software files XBuild

Filing + cloud based sharing

All data records in XBuild can be marked in each PDF plan.
This means that all the necessary information can be located directly in the plan.
This gives you an enormous time advantage, as you and your partners know immediately where defects, tasks, etc. are located.

Construction Software Markings Cards XBuild

Create pins in maps & construction drawings and much more.

XBuild's mobile apps have extensive offline functionalities so that you can remain productive even when you are on site and have a poor or no internet connection.
The latest version of your data is simply saved temporarily on your device and synchronized when you reconnect to the Internet.

TIckets XBuild construction software

XBuild remains loyal to you, even without Internet access

Don't waste time searching for related data.
Related data records are displayed at a glance.

Construction software references XBuild

This is how communication should be

Distribute project data quickly and easily to any external email addresses and save yourself the worry of email limits.
External access also allows data to be uploaded again to ensure rapid availability for all project participants.

Construction access management software XBuild

Assign external access as required

A wide variety of settings and structures can be imported quickly and easily from existing projects during project setup.
This saves you an enormous amount of time with every initial setup.

Construction software templates XBuild

You are welcome to use templates from experts or create your own

Every meeting requires a lot of preparation and follow-up time.
The reason for this is the clean preparation of minutes.
XBuild's minutes function saves you exactly this time-consuming work.
All necessary minutes are automatically stored, linked to all necessary data and then sent.

Construction logging software XBuild

Intelligent protocols emerge as if by themselves

Decide for yourself which action you want to be informed about on the web, by email or push notification in the app.

Construction software notifications XBuild

Set individual triggers & turn notifications into a powerful tool

All orders, defects, plan approvals etc. are stored centrally in one place.
The uniform visualization makes it very easy to identify and manage priority, status and responsible parties.

Construction software tickets XBuild

Digital fire department with faster response times

Change the structure of the input masks in XBuild and add user-defined fields yourself.
You can customize all ticket masks for each project.
Simple via drag & drop.

Construction software customizing XBuild

Oh wow, just magical

Streamline processes | Effectiveness & efficiency uplift with the #1 construction APP

All-in-one Tools

Simplify the process!

Slimmer, lighter and safe

Start test phase

That can't be everything!

Right and how! Explorers ahead.

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Real people & real questions

Honest answers from experts

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Data-driven process optimization from XBuild Insights

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